German Firms Applaud Libya Deal

Chancellor Gerhard Schröder plans to meet Qaddafi after agreement on Berlin attack
Aaron Kirchfeld
August 13, 2004

War On ‘Blood’ Diamonds Ramped Up

New EU move may stem flow of illicit stones in war-torn Africa
Ursula Owre Masterson
August 21, 2002

In Africa, an Exodus of Nurses

African nurses bound for developed countries leave their home countries' health care system in shambles
Celia W. Dugger
July 12, 2004

A Tree That Supported Sudan Becomes a War's Latest Victim

Gum arabic supplies drastically reduced, hurting US economy
Marc Lacey
May 15, 2004

Fresh Water Talks

Nile Basin countries re-double efforts to work out a way of sharing and managing the region's water resources
Gamal Nkrumah
June 11, 2004