Modi’s Visit to China Marks New Tone, But No Concrete Progress

During a trip to China, India’s Prime Minister Modi wins publicity points, but fails to narrow strategic differences
Neelam D Sabharwal
June 16, 2015

China’s Global Governance Challenge

AIIB’s founding members, led by China, could develop new standards for global governance
Stephen S. Roach
June 9, 2015

China’s Factory Workers Are Becoming More Restive

Hong Kong activists influence migrant workers in nearby Guangdong to demand enforcement of China’s labor laws
Anita Chan
May 21, 2015

Headwinds as the US Moves Toward Secretive Trade Agreement

The TPP would deepen trade and corporate regulation for 12 Pacific Rim nations
David Dapice
May 19, 2015

Xi Jinping’s High-Risk Policy Needs a National Security Commission

China’s president has dominant role in foreign policy, but coordination on decision-making could be lacking
David M. Lampton
May 5, 2015

Nations Line Up to Join China-Led Infrastructure Bank

China’s AIIB could be source of sour grapes or valid concerns on standards for US and Japan
Will Hickey
April 9, 2015