The Koreas: A Tale of Two Triangles

Facing the North Korean challenge, South Korea has to tread carefully between the US and China behemoths
Han Sung-Joo
April 10, 2009

China Rises Again – Part II

By provocatively engaging the US Navy, Beijing may be trying to change the international rules
Glenn D. Tiffert
March 27, 2009

Obama’s First Trip Abroad Should Be to China

China and the US can accomplish much by immediately starting to work together
Jeffrey E. Garten
December 12, 2008

Chinese Chess in Space

New US manned space program should include China as a partner
Joan Johnson-Freese
January 13, 2004

China's "Peaceful Ascendancy"

Despite its new found economic and military muscle, China promises to be a good neighbor and global citizen, not a threat
Yoichi Funabashi
December 19, 2003

Global Crisis: How Far to Go? Part II

Falling export demand could rattle Asian countries, but most are resilient enough to survive
Manu Bhaskaran
October 10, 2008