The Earth’s environment is the source of economic, social, cultural activities, with nature shaping human life over the centuries. The rapid growth in the world population, from 1 billion in 1830 to 7 billion today, add pressures for air quality, oceans, land use and resources as basic as water. Awareness is building about over-reliance on fossil fuels, how carbon and other emissions contribute to global warming and volatile weather. Every industry requires energy, and cross-border industrialization, transportation and other economic activities contribute to environmental degradation. Yet globalization also spurs awareness and activism over the need for global cooperation and standards to promote sustainability and environmental protection.

A Football Stadium Covered in This Solar Cloth Could Power a Small Town

Solar startups still innovate as oil prices decline
Megan Gambino
January 2, 2015

Great Apes Facing “Direct Threat” From Palm Oil Farming

Common product in soap, cosmetics, shampoos, drives massive deforestation
December 8, 2014

Geoengineering Could Worsen Climate Change

The long, hard work of conservation could do more than quick, expensive fixes
Tim Radford
December 1, 2014

Dear Snow-Trolls: Winter Weather Does Not Refute Global Warming

Climate-change naysayers relish dips of the thermometer, but costs of extreme weather climb
Chris Mooney
November 28, 2014

The China Syndrome

Delhi should follow Beijing’s lead on addressing climate change with reduced emissions
Nayan Chanda
November 24, 2014