As governments confront many challenges that are global in scale, leaders find they must cooperate in responding to financial, climate, terrorism and other crises. As a result, a global audience has developed keen interest in how and why nations select their leaders. On one hand, citizens expect sensible and collective action, transparency and fair representation; on the other hand, citizens and leaders fret about compromising security, sovereignty or loss of control. Diplomats and global organizations like the United Nations aim to achieve a balance, even as global communications allow citizens in democracies or authoritarian states to steer attention to issues. Attention to citizen demands and multilateral cooperation contribute to stability.

One Hand Clapping in the Caucasus

Global forces helped to push change, but the region’s long-term success is not assured
Kenneth Weisbrode
January 26, 2004

Argentina Stuck on the Periphery of a Globalized World

A corrupt and selfish elite has squandered the country's chance to shine
Jean-Pierre Lehmann
February 20, 2004

The Fallout of Pakistani Revelations on North Korea

Details about sales to North Korea could prove valuable in containing Pyongyang's nuclear ambitions
Phillip C. Saunders
February 23, 2004

Leaked Records Reveal Offshore Holdings of China’s Elite

Chinese citizens had no clue about leaders’ secret investments, assisted by global banks
Marina Walker Guevara, Gerard Ryle, Alexa Olesen, Mar Cabra, Michael Hudson, Christoph Giesen
January 23, 2014

Going the Distance

Profile of the US president analyzes inequality, human nature’s tendency to ignore long-term implications
David Remnick
January 22, 2014

If You See Something, Say Something

History will judge scientists, journalists, politicians who ignore climate-change data
Michael E. Mann
January 21, 2014

Fears for Bangladeshi Democracy Rumble Across Region

Polarization and abuse of power threaten democracy
Victor Mallet
January 16, 2014

Sharing NHS Data Saves Lives

EU proposes that health records deserve higher protections
Jeremy Farrar
January 15, 2014