The links between security and globalization were highlighted by the 2001 terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, DC, and the subsequent long wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Lingering poverty, inequality, religious extremism and war can sow discontent and resentment as unprecedented global mobility lends access to education and travel in other countries. Despite use of drones, cyber-warfare and other advanced weapons technology to mount counterterrorist attacks, the marginalized can strike out at vulnerable urban or economic centers. Annual global defense spending exceeds $1.6 trillion. Containing the trade in weapons, whether nuclear bombs or assault rifles, and preventing them from falling into the wrong hands remain a challenge.

Seoul, Israel Differ on Korean Pilgrims

Seoul is wary as South Koreans go on pilgrimage to Holy Land, even though Israel and Palestine guarantee their safety
Choi Soung-ah
July 28, 2004

Knock-on Effects will be Global if Iraq Carries on Downhill

How failure in Iraq could destabilize not just the Arabian Peninsula, but Asia too
Daljit Singh
July 28, 2004

U.S. Is seen Losing Its Moral Authority

America’s global moral leadership has been harmed by the Patriot Act, the war in Iraq, detentions in Guantánamo Bay, and the Abu Ghraib prison scandal
Thomas Fuller
July 5, 2004

Little Headway Seen in 6-Party Talks

Will US-North Korea 'tug of war' over nuclear weapons prevail once more?
Seo Hyun-jin
February 18, 2004

Schröder's Agenda

NATO takes back seat to Germany's national concerns
Aaron Kirchfeld
July 9, 2004