America’s Cruelty Playbook: Irish Times

Political leaders in southern region of the United States are making strides to limit abortion rights with the ultimate goal of reversing the Roe v. Wade court decision that protects a woman’s right to end a pregnancy. The laws target poor and vulnerable women while the wealthy women can travel to obtain care. Citizens often ignore the slow chipping away at rights in a few places, though recent organized attacks on abortion rights, with the intention of bringing the issue before the US Supreme Court, may have gone too far. The willingness to intrude on women’s personal decisions stems from US legacies of slavery and genocide of native peoples, argues Una Mullally, an Irish Times contributor. “White fragility matched with white supremacy has constructed an architecture of cruelty to maintain dominance, oppress others, and torture those who seek to unseat the racist patriarchal structures of American society,” she writes. “It’s about a country that talks in feelings, not facts, yet won’t process its own propensity for cruelty and emerge with empathy…” She warns that religious fundamentalists everywhere will follow the American playbook. – YaleGlobal

America’s Cruelty Playbook: Irish Times

US anti-abortion groups gain power and will inspire fundamentalists worldwide to erode reproductive rights, including abortion and contraception
Una Malally
Sunday, June 16, 2019

Read the article from the Irish Times  about efforts to erode reproductive rights in the United States.

Una Mullally is an Irish Times contributor.

Abortions per 1000 Women 2010-2014

(Source: Guttmacher Institute, 2018)

Amnesty International offers a warning about the US crackdown on reproductive rights: “In 2017 President Trump reinstated and expanded a policy called the ‘global gag rule’.  This rule states that any overseas organization which receives US global health funding cannot even mention abortion as part of their counselling or education programs—even if the money for these particular programs does not come from the US.”