Brexit Wreckers: New Statesman
The United Kingdom joined the European Economic Community in 1973 and the complex political and economic structures have integrated and grown together since. The UK’s exit from the European Union is no easy task, with polarization and no clear majority on how to proceed. The best approach for all involved is a unified one that transcends usual politics. Prime Minister Theresa May has “acknowledged that there can be no Brexit deal without the support of the majority of Labour MPs, and so she made a direct offer to Jeremy Corbyn, her great Labour rival, to shape the final outcome,” explains Stephen Bush for New Statesman. He analyzes the options, the political calculations, negotiations and implications for parties and regions in depth. “There is no way out of the Brexit deadlock that can command both a majority of Conservative MPs and a majority in parliament.” The country could decide on a customs union, a referendum or exit without a deal. Regardless, compromise is required. The prime minister has requested a delay until June 30. – YaleGlobal
Brexit Wreckers: New Statesman
Conservative MPs may yet be forced to decide if they are keenest to avoid a general election, a second referendum or a soft Brexit – compromise is essential
Friday, April 5, 2019
Read the article from New Statesman about Brexit politics.
Stephen Bush is political editor of the New Statesman. His daily briefing, Morning Call, provides a quick and essential guide to domestic and global politics.
Parliament cannot make everyone happy (Source: UK)
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