Student Builds COVID-19 Tracking Website: GeekWire

A new coronavirus for China emerged in early January, and a 17-year-old student in Mercer Island, Washington, worried about misinformation. Before the disease spread from China, Avi Schiffmann set out make a one-stop website that compiles official data. “The site’s simple homepage consists of quick facts that are updated every 10 minutes, including total confirmed cases, total deaths, countries infected and more,” reports Kurt Schlosser for GeekWire. Information is translated in more than 10 languages and, as the disease spreads, the site provides specifics for provinces, states and cities. “The site, which runs a script to automatically scrape a number of well-sourced sites for the latest data, has attracted more than 2 million unique visitors and gets as many as 300,000 returning visitors each day, setting record site numbers for past two weeks.” The site has evolved into a team effort. Specialists send suggestions and Schiffman responds, and volunteers provide case reports on an interactive Google map. Schiffmann’s next project may be to develop a vaccine progress tracker. Hundreds of supporters around the world cheer his work on Ko-Fi: “You are the hero we need.” According to the site, 86 countries report cases. – YaleGlobal

Student Builds COVID-19 Tracking Website: GeekWire

As coronavirus emerged in China – thousands of miles away, a high school student developed a website offering COVID-19 resources and updates every 10 minutes
Kurt Schlosser
Thursday, March 5, 2020

Read the article from GeekWire about a website that tracks COVID-19 data.

Writer and editor Kurt Schlosser covers the Geek Life beat for GeekWire. He is a longtime journalist, photographer and designer.

See the site that updates COVID-19 cases worldwide every 10 minutes.

map showing locations with Covid-19 confirmed cases


Quick Facts on COVID-19 - world total:   96,274  Total Confirmed Cases;   15,865  Confirmed Cases Outside China;   3,309  Total Deaths;   53,308  Total Recovered;   86⁄195  Total Countries Infected



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Great site