Sudan: Helping the Exiles Return

"Exodus" of emigrants from Sudan may recur if international community fails to address severe food shortage
Ramiro Lopes da Silva
March 31, 2005

"Tsunami Effect" Likely to Hit Africa

Relief organizations see African funds diverted to South Asia
Kevin J. Kelley
February 24, 2005

Central Asia Is Corrupted by Cotton

Wealthy middlemen exploit farmers and environment in post-Soviet agricultural systems
Quentin Peel
March 10, 2005

The Year of Africa's Economic Turnaround?

Africa's economies are growing – but will the continent finally rise out of poverty?
Amarnath Singh
March 8, 2005

Leveraging the Dragon: Toward "An Africa That Can Say No"

The rapidly growing engagement between China and Africa requires a greater balance of the economic and strategic interests of both sides
Chris Alden
March 1, 2005