India’s Treacherous Northeast

India battles separatist movements, ethnic conflict and foreigners jockeying for influence
Bertil Lintner
September 26, 2012

One Country, Many Voices

China’s orchestrated spectacles, from Olympics to anti-Japan protests, give illusion of unified worldview
Jeffrey Wasserstrom
September 24, 2012

A Forgotten War in the Himalayas

The US aided India in its 1962 war with China, taking firm stance on disputed border
Jeff M. Smith
September 14, 2012

East Asia’s Free for All

Territorial disputes with South Korea and China over islets reveal rising nationalism, Japan’s weakness
Frank Ching
August 30, 2012

Is Partition a Solution for Syria?

Following footsteps of India and Pakistan, Damascus may find peace in partition
Dilip Hiro
July 31, 2012

Is Islam to Blame for Freedom Deficit in Middle East?

Researchers mull why freedom and development flourished in the Middle East then faded
Riaz Hassan
July 5, 2012

Want Better Cities?

6,000 years of data could offer new insights and lessons for urban planners
Liz Stinson
July 8, 2016

The Great Escape

Migration is a response to conflict, climate change and poverty
Robert Winder
June 22, 2016

Brexit and the Future of US-UK Military Cooperation

Brexit could disrupt functioning of NATO
Stephen Meyer
June 19, 2016

The Great Wall of Sand

Ongoing disagreement over China’s broad claims in the South China Sea China destabilize the region
Jonathan Fenby
May 20, 2016

Philippines’ Next President: Implications for ASEAN

Voters select bluster over government expertise
Mely Caballero-Anthony
May 11, 2016