Coping with World Population Boom and Bust – Part I

With populations booming in the less developed world, migration pressures will increase
Joseph Chamie
August 19, 2004

Immigration is Changing the Face of Suburban America

Atlanta's experience shows that migrants can help revitalize once-languishing local economies
William G. Holt, III
July 6, 2004

How Far East Can Europe Go?

Turkey wants to join the EU, but some say Europe ends where Islam begins
Shada Islam
May 3, 2004

Moments Before the Union, "Old" Europe Gets Cold Feet

Fear of an avalanche of migration is making the western states nervous about enlarging Europe
Shada Islam
March 3, 2004

Exporting People

A worsening economic crisis could spur the poor to seek jobs in new lands – or even to return home
Joseph Chamie
January 21, 2009

Headscarf Ban Misses the Point

France's proposed law illustrates cultural divide between the state and its Islamic population
Shada Islam
January 30, 2004

The Financial Crash Will Not Bring About “Globalization on Steroids”

Global recession triggers international tensions, not cooperation
Joshua Kurlantzick
March 11, 2013

The Coal Monster: Pollution Forces Chinese Leaders to Act

Smog delivers new transparency, underscores the costs of growth
Bernhard Zand
March 7, 2013

Immigration Reform and the American Worker

Immigrants actually boost job growth and wages
James Surowiecki
February 25, 2013

Ambassador: Germany Needs Skilled Workers From India

Studying German language first would be helpful
February 4, 2013

Illegal Immigrants in Greece

Poor newcomers discover they’ve jumped from pot into fire
Andreas Ulrich
June 5, 2012