Bush at the Rubicon

Can the leader of the world's most powerful nation be persuaded to go against his instincts?
Strobe Talbott
January 23, 2003

Member of the Axis of Evil No More

With flexibility by all parties, the North Korean promise to terminate its nuclear-weapons program could usher in a new era
Gavan McCormack
March 5, 2007

North Korean Nuclear Agreement: Back to the Future?

The Six-Party deal returns essentially to a past agreement with new promises for the future
Shim Jae Hoon
February 15, 2007

Iran-Saudi Arabian Embrace: A New Beginning?

History shows that when interests coincide, rivals tend to cooperate
Dilip Hiro
March 9, 2007

United States to North Korea: We Now Have a Pre-Condition

US demands that North Korea dismantle its newly revealed weapons program before any talk
James A. Kelly
December 12, 2002

Military Temptations

Writing in India's respected newspaper the Hindu, one of its leading writer Malini Parthasarathy warns against copycat moves by other countries fighting "terrorism" in the belief that strong military action will solve their problems. Such policy may cost the US little, she says, but it will devastate South Asia.
Nayan Chanda
December 5, 2001

A Silver Lining to the US-India Nuclear Deal

Deal highlights that nuclear weapons are not an adequate tool for security
Pavel Podvig
October 21, 2008

Diplomatic Fantasyland: The Illusion of a Negotiated Solution to the North Korean Nuclear Crisis

North Korea is not likely to be talked out of its nuclear weapons program
Nicholas Eberstadt
September 23, 2003

Nuclear Board Said to Rebuff Bush Over Iran

US officials want UN to punish Iran for covert weapons programs
David E. Sanger
November 20, 2003

UN Calls for More Aid to Help North Korea Reform

Food shortages could pose humanitarian crisis
Andrew Ward
December 3, 2003

Surprise Word on Nuclear Gains by North Korea and Iran

Two new reports detail 18 years of hidden programs
David E. Sanger
November 12, 2003