Cartoon Jihad

Besides showing the cultural gulf with the West, the affair shows the clout of globalized Islam
Sadanand Dhume
February 7, 2006

Americans are Tuning Out the World

When the world comes to their shore, US citizens are increasingly less interested in foreign affairs
Alkman Granitsas
November 24, 2005

Toward a Virtual Caliphate

Al-Qaida is not the only Muslim group harnessing the power of globalization
Peter Mandaville
October 27, 2005

Vers l’etablissement d’un Califat virtuel?

Peter Mandaville
October 27, 2005

China, India Superpower? Not so Fast!

Despite impressive growth, the rising Asian giants have feet of clay
Pranab Bardhan
October 25, 2005

Time For a Saudi "New Deal"

The kingdom is the global center of both oil production and the Islamic faith; its politics could endanger worldwide stability
Fahad Nazer
September 27, 2005

Women's Rights in Afghanistan Lose Steam

Gender equality remains a distant dream for women in rural Afghanistan
Tom A. Peter
March 9, 2011

Anonymous and the Global Correction

Anonymous activists oppose any who are comfortable with censorship or tyranny
February 28, 2011

Bigger Abroad

Paying heed to foreign viewer preferences, Hollywood rakes in profits
February 23, 2011

Revolution 2.0: Democracy Promotion in the Age of Social Media

A free and open internet spreads the best ideas and unnerves the powerful
Mark Sedra
February 18, 2011

Irish Pubs Close in Droves

Global forces shutter a symbol of Irish culture
Conor O’Clery
February 4, 2011