Preparing for a New Global Threat – Part I

Urgent and coordinated action is needed to head off mutation of avian influenza into a new Spanish Flu
David Heymann
January 26, 2005

Preparing for a New Global Threat – Part II

When the next wave of influenza hits, the world's poor will stand to lose the most
Thomas Abraham
January 28, 2005

A Retreat from Great Europe? – Part II

The EU leaders must inspire their citizens with their vision of a democratic Europe
John Brenkman
June 2, 2005

Fallout from the War on Terror – Part I

Antiterrorism policy has taken its toll on foreign enrollment in US universities
Mark Sidel
June 14, 2005

Is Democracy in the Middle East a Pipedream?

Amidst the first signs of change, longing competes with mistrust of Western democracy
Fawaz Gerges
April 25, 2005

Rising Dragon and the American Eagle – Part I

China's growing economic power and diplomatic clout may portend a turning of the tide against the US in Asia
David Shambaugh
April 20, 2005

Our Vuvuzelas, Ourselves

South African soccer staple is heard – and critiqued – around the globe
Anne Applebaum
June 30, 2010

Unity Through Soccer? Not in the Middle East

The World Cup fails to bring peace to troubled region
James Montague
June 15, 2010

Learning Chinese in Mexico: Children Prepare for the Future

Better late than never, Mexico seeks links with China
Tracy Wilkinson
June 9, 2010

As Rupees Roll Into Hollywood, India Is Opening Up on All Fronts

Bollywood sets its sights on the world
Nyay Bhushan
May 11, 2010

Listening to (and Saving) the World’s Languages

New York has become a magnet for immigrants and their languages
Sam Roberts
May 4, 2010