War on Terror's Collateral Damage

Pakistan's military ruler rides roughshod over domestic opposition
Ahmed Rashid
November 21, 2003

Justice for Saddam

Trying him in a hybrid international-Iraqi court would benefit Iraq, the Middle East, and the world
Harold Hongju Koh
December 15, 2003

Foreign Policy Challenges for the New US President – Part I

Exploiting a lack of jobs, the Taliban rises in Pakistan’s border region, threatening US strategy
Imtiaz Ali
October 31, 2008

Pakistan Democracy: An Interview with Husain Haqqani

Pakistan’s new democracy tackles multiple domestic and foreign-policy problems, sharing goals with the US and India
October 15, 2008

Will Kashmir Protests and Terrorism Thwart India’s Global Ambitions?

Politicians and extremists exploiting grievances to instigate violence could drive away foreign investors
Harsh V. Pant
September 15, 2008

Pakistan on the Brink

Mismanaged “war on terror” has stirred extremism, threatening to rip Pakistan apart
Ahmed Rashid
September 19, 2008

The Fight Against ISIS After the Death of Jordan’s Pilot

Condemnation from Muslims is essential to end atrocities committed in the name of Islam
Aaron David Miller
February 6, 2015

As Yemen’s Government Falls, So May a US Strategy for Fighting Terror

Sunni-Shia divide makes Yemen a fragile partner in war on extremism
Mark Thompson
January 22, 2015

Charlie Hebdo Attack Spurs EU Anti-Terror Projects

To stem extremism, EU focuses on security and language programs with Arab partners
January 20, 2015

Terror Attacks Cannot Save Islam's “Honor”

Terror is not an act of courage or faith
Husain Haqqani
January 13, 2015

Je Suis Charlie: Stand Together in the Face of Violence

Terrorists yearn to divide free societies
Stefan Kuzmany
January 9, 2015