In The News

Jasmine Enberg December 19, 2016
In an effort to appease regulators across Europe, Airbnb has implemented stringent rules for English and Dutch hosts on its home-sharing platform. These include limits on the number of days per year that one can rent out a property. With two of its top three most in-demand locations in Europe, Airbnb is trying to preempt regulations that may damage its bottom line. Germany and Spain are already...
Susan Froetschel October 11, 2016
With urbanization and a swelling global middle class come enormous amounts of waste. Many governments and companies respond to this challenge with sustainable solutions including recycling. Organic material – food, in particular – is the largest part of household waste in Europe, Asia and the Americas. Countries are changing laws, allowing redistribution of food or flexibility on expiration...
Martinne Geller and Randy Fabi September 15, 2016
Not waiting for a new law to take effect, multinational corporations such as L’Oreal and Unilever are embracing a mandate on halal labeling. “The law, the first of its kind, requires food to be labeled halal or not in 2017, followed by toiletries in 2018 and medicines in 2019,” explain Martinne Geller and Randy Fabi for Reuters. Such products, free of pork and alcohol, are made at production...
Nandan Nilekani July 26, 2016
India is poised to revolutionize the service industry, in such a way that borrowing, saving and transferring money could happen as swiftly as sending an email. This technological leap enables India to rely more on services and domestic consumption even as world trade is slumping. A nationwide government initiative encouraging financial inclusion and bank accounts, combined with biometric-based...
Aleydis Nissen July 6, 2016
Critics are harsh on celebrities that launch clothing lines sourced from factories with sweatshop conditions and underpaid workers. Beyoncé launched a sports clothing brand in a joint venture with Topshop. Media reports soon followed with interviews of workers in Sri Lanka complaining about long hours and low pay. “Whether the accusations are true or untrue, it may be argued that a major...
Rachel Morarjee June 30, 2016
Chinese consumers prefer local brands and Chinese firms are increasingly taking market share away from foreign rivals. New Chinese firms “heed digital trends, adapt to regional tastes and respond to customers’ increasingly sophisticated demands,” explains Rachel Morarjee for Reuters. A report from Bain & Company and Kantar Worldpanel suggests that 26 consumer goods ranging from groceries to...
Ylan Q. Mui June 22, 2016
The United States is the biggest foreign investor in the United Kingdom, and US firms regard the nation as a base for trading with the rest of the European Union. The US and the UK each have about a half trillion dollars’ worth of foreign direct investment and employ about a million workers in the other. “The heavy-equipment giant Caterpillar exemplifies the dilemma facing American businesses in...