In The News

September 19, 2019
Migration was up 2 percent for OECD countries in 2018, with 5.3 million new permanent migrants. European OECD nations combined receive the most permanent migrants; the United States is the top destination followed by Germany. Asylum seekers have declined, and most are from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and Venezuela. Countries continue to adjust migration procedures, with caps and ceilings, preference...
Lindsay Wise September 8, 2019
Skilled foreigners with US job offers obtain green card approvals, but wait years for permanent status. “The logjam stems from U.S. rules that limit any one country to 7% of all employment-based green cards,” reports Lindsay Wise for the Wall Street Journal. “More than 660,000 of those approved but waiting are from India.” US Congress, polarized over comprehensive immigration reform, generally...
August 20, 2019
The United States, in efforts to slow legal immigration, is planning changes for the H-1B visa process that allows skilled workers from around the world to work in the United States. One regulation would “mandate employers to register without paying the H-1B visa fees of those employees they intend to sponsor” and a “lottery system would shortlist people for the work permit.” About 70 percent of...
Brad Polumbo August 9, 2019
US immigration agents conducted raids on seven food processing plants in Mississippi, arresting almost 700 workers without documents, creating confusion as communities stepped up to assist weeping children, many US citizens, abruptly abandoned. “One U.S. citizen who worked alongside many of the detained illegal immigrants told the Washington Post that the food processing companies were not...
Julie Hirschfeld Davis July 17, 2019
Donald Trump does not tolerate criticism of his policies, wrongly equating support for him and his policies with love of country. On Twitter, he challenged four Democratic congresswomen who have lambasted the administration’s immigration policies, including overcrowded detention camps and separation of children from their parents. On Twitter, Trump urged the representatives to “go back” to the...
Bill Chappell July 16, 2019
International law protects asylum seekers fleeing persecution in their home countries, ready to provide evidence that they belong to a protected class that includes race, religion, nationality, political leanings. Even so, the Trump administration is trying to impose limits, specifically targeting people crossing the US-Mexico border: “Asylum-seeking immigrants who pass through a third country en...
Anna Hopkins June 26, 2019
The Trump administration wants to slow migration with a costly border wall. Democrats express concern about the administration instigating chaos at the border and blaming Congress for limiting funds on border security. Agencies responsible for border security and migration are led by acting staff who hide details about the children and their treatment from attorneys, media and communities....