In The News

Banning Garrett February 11, 2004
Unlike during the Cold war, when competition was only between the US and the Soviet Union, today all globalizing nations are competitors. However, writes Banning Garrett, Director of Asia Programs at the Atlantic Council, these competing nations are also partners in today's globalizing economy, which is growing increasingly interconnected and interdependent. These new conditions of...
Patti Waldmeir February 8, 2004
Along with jobs, "is America also exporting its notion of what constitutes fairness in the workplace," asks the author of this Financial Times article. Whereas only a few years ago, sexual harassment litigations were unique to the American workplace, such cases are more and more common in other countries as well. Even American companies operating in countries without sexual harassment...
Richard N. Cooper January 29, 2004
Jagdish Baghwati believes that globalization is unambiguously a positive phenomenon and aims to prove it in his recent book, "In Defense of Globalization." According to this review, Baghwati's book also aims to enlighten globalization's critics. Baghwati tackles two major criticisms of globalization: that it causes poverty, and that it depresses wages. He cites data that...
Immanuel Wallerstein January 28, 2004
The slogan of the World Social Forum reads, "another world is possible" - as in, a world devoid of capitalism and neo-liberal trade policies. From a small group of protesters who successfully scuttled the 1999 WTO meeting in Seattle, the group has quickly grown to global proportions, says social theorist Immanuel Wallerstein. Over 100,000 people attended the most recent WSF meeting in...
January 21, 2004
In Mumbai, India this week, the annual meeting of the World Social Forum was full-on with speeches, music, and people blasting the ills of 'rapacious imperialism' and globalization. This report from India's Economic Times notes that a variety of ideas for reforming the capitalist world economy are being promoted at the WSF. Wolfgang Sachs said that consumerism and a drive for...
Leon Hadar January 14, 2004
Globalization has taken some hard blows recently, says this column in the Business Times. The rapid spread of SARS, the September 11 terrorist attacks on the US, and rising protectionism stand as sharp counterpoints to the "Globalisation-is-the-Messiah" outlook of some observers in the 1990s. But to backtrack on economic globalization would risk throwing the baby out with the...
Yanuar Nugroho January 5, 2004
Globalization has been promoted and denounced by people around the world, but who is right? Yanuar Nugroho, Director of Business Watch Indonesia, writes that those arguments miss the point, because the processes of globalization are inevitable and unstoppable. To make globalization work for all, he argues, we must develop a people-centered globalization that focuses on pulling the world's...