Visions of a united Europe are under strain as anti-EU parties have made political gains in France, Sweden, the UK and other nations. Although the European Union is often thought of as a “United States of Europe,” journalist Pallavi Aiyar argues that the EU more resembles chaotic India. “India,...
Balancing democracy with diversity: Fear of euro breakup as UK Prime Minister David Cameron differs with partners such as Germany's premier Angel Merkel (top); India gets a stable government with a single party dominated coalition, BJP Prime...
Unlike the Academy Awards, historically hosted close to home in Hollywood, the Indian International Film Academy roves around the globe. In its 12th year, the IIFA awards event will be held in the Americas for the first time: “Toronto, home to a prestigious international film festival of its own,...
Click here for the article in BBC News.
The military or humanitarian “failures” of the United Nations over the years must be recognized as collective failures of member countries, argues Newsweek Editor Fareed Zakaria. The Rwandan genocide a decade ago is a case in point: Decisions made among the most powerful U.N. member nations,...
YOU have never heard of Paul Rusesabagina. But if you watch the stunning new movie Hotel Rwanda, you will never forget him. The movie tells the true story of Rusesabagina, an "ordinary" Rwandan, a hotel manager, who was...
Writing in Thailand’s major newspaper the author urges his fellow citizens not to view Burmese refugees as unwelcome invaders. Though historical enmity, national security, and the "ungratefulness" of Burmese people are regularly cited whenever there is a crackdown against student...
Like a recurring epileptic fit, xenophobic anti-Burmese outbursts recently struck again. Illegal migrant workers were rounded up prior to recent international meetings, and former pro-democracy Burmese student activists...
T政府和民众对移民的看法存在着惊人的差距。绝大多数政府都倾向于支持移民,但民众却始终对准许外国人移民心存顾虑。移民研究中心(Center for Migration Studies)研究主任约瑟夫•夏米(Joseph Chamie)认为,这种意见分歧很可能在未来引发严重骚乱。全球范围内只有不到20%的政府认为移民数量过多,但民意测验却显示,共有将近70%的公民认为应当对移民进行限制。某些分歧是由看问题的视角造成的。个人担心移民会造成失业和文化退化,而政府在意的却是吸引技术工人或讨好民族团体所带来的经济好处。夏米指出,排外的政治家和政党在最近的大选中获胜, 如果这种针对移民的意见分歧持续下去,...
随着希腊和意大利新政府的组建,一直在慢慢发酵的欧元危机似乎达到了平稳。但是欧洲债务危机是有着深刻含义的复杂现象。耶鲁全球本期上下两篇系列文章分析了危机的蔓延、欧洲必须采取的改革和其他国家应该吸取的教训。在上篇文章中,彼得森国际经济研究所(Peterson Institute for International Economics)的雅各布•芬克•柯克加德(Jacob Funk Kirkegaard)对四个相互叠加的危机进行了阐述,它们分别是:疲弱的监管机构、资本不足的银行、不平衡的竞争和蔓延效应。全球观众都在期待着欧洲不仅要结束危机,而且要恢复人们对所谓“无风险”债务的信心,...
很明显这场危机是由四个不断叠加、相互加强的不同危机构成的:一是欧元区自90年代创立 以来就因缺少必要的制度建设,无法在危机中保持财政稳定,从而形成制度设计上的危机;...
Almost any task performed by humans could be automated, and development of robots could soon replace most human jobs. Computer scientists Moshe Vardi of Rice University and Bart Selman of Cornell University warned the American Association for the Advancement of Science, that “governments – and...
Read the article from Financial Times.
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in office for just a year, approaches China with new confidence. During a visit to China, the prime minister was candid about India’s strategic distrust and its determination to build new ties with other powers including the United States, Japan and Australia....
Measuring the rival: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, left, with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Xian, top; Modi examines ancient terra cotta warrior
LONDON: The three-day trip to China by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was rich in...