Plastic sachets are the plastic bags used to package and redistribute bulk supplies of all types of food and other small items. The Philippines, an economy that participates in such repackaging, uses about 60 billion plastic sachets each year, suggests the Global Alliance for Incinerator...
Europe struggles to manage a refugee crisis. Tens of thousands of people are fleeing conflict in the Middle East and poverty in Africa; 2,000 have died trying to cross the Mediterranean this year to reach Italy or Greece, which have their challenges with tight budgets. The wait for asylum...
Read the article. The UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, reports on the Mediterranean crisis. .
When crisis hits a community, some police officers escalate tensions while others show skill in de-escalation. Protests, some peaceful and others violent riots, broke out after four Minneapolis police officers arrested George Floyd on May 25 for forgery, restraining him next to a police vehicle....
Iranians abroad who used Facebook and Twitter to protest the controversial elections are receiving emails threatening their relatives back in Iran. Immigrants who return home are detained at the airport, where they are shown videos taken of them participating in protests in countries of their...
NEW YORK -- His first impulse was to dismiss the ominous email as a prank, says a young Iranian-American named Koosha. It warned the 29-year-old engineering student that his relatives in Tehran would be harmed if he didn't stop criticizing Iran on...
随着全球危机加剧加之各个国家寻求不同的方法以自救,设计一些新的全球经济制度并不会对恢复信心有多大帮助。相反,这些既有制度——国际货币基金组织、布雷顿森林汇率制度和世界银行——应该即刻采取行动将一个崛起中的亚洲纳入它们的全球治理体系。否则,那些紧握权力不放且坚持狭隘解决方案的国家就会有束缚其自身经济增长的风险,记者兼作家船桥洋一(Yoichi Funabashi)如是说。他认为,贸易仍是一个有争议的问题,而且即使在金融领域中,亚洲也还没有完全准备好为演进中的全球治理体系——在该体系中,主要的国家经济模式(national economic models)正在多元化——承担主要责任。...
东京:随着全球经济危机令整个世界的未来局势变得更加严峻,资本主义制度显得了无生 气:主要国家的利率几近于零,几乎没有可操作的空间。大规模财政刺激计划很可能激发通货膨胀、更高利率以及美元的大跌。除了这些明显的政策陷阱之外,反全 球化情绪也很可能得势,它必定会从经济领域蔓延到政治领域。 对市场的过度规制、对革新的遏制、贸易保护主义的猖獗,以及最终对自由国际秩序的侵蚀,这些情形都交织在一起,给对世界带来危险。...
Most world leaders agree that global warming is a real and pressing issue, and are ready for any ideas on how to stop, fix or adapt to the problem. Environmentalists still express hope that conservation - some immediate sacrifices - could save species, habitats and even some human lives. “...
As the world's leaders gather in New York this week to discuss climate change, you're going to hear a lot of well-intentioned talk about how to stop global warming. From the United Nations, Bill Clinton, and even the Bush administration,...
Responsible corporations prioritize workplace safety. Building-structure codes, fire and smoke alarms, multiple exits, limited work hours and other standard safety regulations are documented to prevent accidents. Consumers may appreciate low prices, but will avoid brands that become associated with...
Click here for the article in Reuters.
Despite unease in some parts of the world about the safety of genetically modified food, farmers in some Asian countries are jumping on the biotech bandwagon. Because GM crops are already increasing production in places like the United States, many Asian farmers have little choice but to plant...
Click here for the original article on The New York Times website.