Air War May Be Satisfying, But Won’t Defeat ISIS

The international community must support the local forces motivated to defeat Islamic State: Kurds and Iran
Mohammed Ayoob
November 19, 2015

Big Win by Turkey’s AKP Signals Vote for Stability

Decisive win for AKP in Turkey could add pressure for peace deal with Kurdish PKK militants
Chris Miller
November 3, 2015

Putin’s Syria Move Raises Profile – With Risks

Putin moves to stabilize Syria, stop extremism and diminish US influence, but the strategy could backfire
Thomas Graham
October 6, 2015

Pakistan Keen to Keep Ties with Iran and Saudi Arabia

Open for trade, Iran may test two rivalries – its own with Saudi Arabia, another between Pakistan and India
Debalina Ghoshal
October 1, 2015

Can Trade Keep Iran in Line?

Trade delegations rush to Iran; if its nuclear ambitions are not contained, restoring sanctions won't be easy
Jamsheed K. Choksy and Carol E. B. Choksy
September 17, 2015

Border Chaos: Europe Reacts to Syrian Refugee Crisis

European Union needs long-term policies on refugees, with no end in sight for suffering in Middle East or Africa
Chris Miller
September 15, 2015