The global economy thrives on globalization and the increasing interdependence of finance, production, consumption and trade. Such integration has reduced poverty, yet varying national policies along with ever-increasing speed of transactions and market news have also contributed to imbalances, both among nations and within. Regulations often do not keep pace in managing cross-border debt, foreign direct investment, corporate practices, tax codes or economic bubbles. The eurozone crisis and the US subprime mortgage crisis have demonstrated that one nation’s problems and panic can spread like wildfire. Nations must combine a competitive spirit with cooperation to achieve stable economic growth and sustainable prosperity.

BRICS Alliance Looking for Cement

Big emerging economies value relations with the US more than their loose alliance
Ashok Malik
April 2, 2012

Global Power Shift – Part II

Could the US security pivot toward Asia make NATO irrelevant?
Richard Weitz
March 23, 2012

In Europe, North Battles South

To save the EU, competitive northern nations expect troubled southern economies to sacrifice now
Joergen Oerstroem Moeller
March 16, 2012

Elites Loot Africa While Foreign Debt Mounts

International banking laws help African elites borrow big, then shift funds to personal accounts
James K. Boyce, Léonce Ndikumana
February 27, 2012

In US, Every Four Years, Much Ado Over China

US presidential candidates rail about China’s unfair trade practices – then backtrack once in power
Edward Gresser
February 15, 2012

For US, Europe’s Debt Woes Are an Ocean Away

US voters and leaders ignore Europe’s economic crisis at their own risk
Bruce Stokes
February 13, 2012