The links between security and globalization were highlighted by the 2001 terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, DC, and the subsequent long wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Lingering poverty, inequality, religious extremism and war can sow discontent and resentment as unprecedented global mobility lends access to education and travel in other countries. Despite use of drones, cyber-warfare and other advanced weapons technology to mount counterterrorist attacks, the marginalized can strike out at vulnerable urban or economic centers. Annual global defense spending exceeds $1.6 trillion. Containing the trade in weapons, whether nuclear bombs or assault rifles, and preventing them from falling into the wrong hands remain a challenge.

Wolf-Pack Terrorism: Inspired by ISIS, Made in Bangladesh

ISIS reverses course: Jihadists leave Syria, putting countries like Bangladesh under siege and driving wedges amid political squabbling
Saroj Kumar Rath
July 5, 2016

Brexit and Bust: Britain Plunges Into the Unknown

The UK votes to leave the EU, and fury over cross-border economic and political cooperation won’t subside
Daniel Twining
June 23, 2016

Long Nuclear Shadow Could Revive Calls for Abolition

The 70-year-old Baruch Plan to eliminate nuclear weapons could prevent another arms race
Bennett Ramberg
June 21, 2016

War of Words: What's in the Name “Rohingya”?

Myanmar’s fledgling democracy is marred by denying rights for a Muslim minority, urging foreigners to avoid historical term “Rohingya”
Azeem Ibrahim
June 16, 2016

The Politics of Memory: Tiananmen at 27

China’s leaders moved ahead with economic reforms soon after the Tiananmen crackdown, but silenced politics and memories
Nick Frisch
June 14, 2016

For the US, Sailing Around the South China Sea Is Not Strategy

US naval excursions are temporary response to Beijing’s permanent islands and equipment in the South China Sea
Harry J. Kazianis
June 2, 2016

Armed Conflict Possible in Europe? Spiegel

Dirk Kurbjuweit
September 6, 2019

Israel-Iran Shadow War: New York Times

David M. Halbfinger, Ben Hubbard and Ronen Bergman
September 2, 2019

China’s Missing Million: New Statesman

Morgan Meaker
August 31, 2019