The links between security and globalization were highlighted by the 2001 terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, DC, and the subsequent long wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Lingering poverty, inequality, religious extremism and war can sow discontent and resentment as unprecedented global mobility lends access to education and travel in other countries. Despite use of drones, cyber-warfare and other advanced weapons technology to mount counterterrorist attacks, the marginalized can strike out at vulnerable urban or economic centers. Annual global defense spending exceeds $1.6 trillion. Containing the trade in weapons, whether nuclear bombs or assault rifles, and preventing them from falling into the wrong hands remain a challenge.

Russia’s Syrian Intervention Gives the West a Chance to Re-Engage Turkey

As Russia intervenes in Syria, the West could improve ties with defense, energy and refugee assistance for Turkey
Marc Grossman
February 11, 2016

Asia Should Not Delay on South China Sea Disputes

Asian nations could unite and resolve South, East China Sea conflicts – showing they don’t need US as enforcer
Humphrey Hawksley
February 9, 2016

Wanted: European Grand Strategy for War Against the Islamic State

Europe, cultural identity under attack, must regroup and form grand strategy to battle extremism at home and abroad
Joergen Oerstroem Moeller
February 2, 2016

Publish and Perish in Hong Kong

China, detaining Hong Kong booksellers, demonstrates insecurity, willingness to enforce its laws across borders
Frank Ching
January 28, 2016

Iran Nuclear Deal Fuels Tension With Saudi Arabia Inflaming New Conflicts

The Iran nuclear deal was supposed to ease tensions, but Saudi Arabia seems frantic to antagonize its rival
Mohammed Ayoob
January 19, 2016

The US Faces Rival Powers Waging Hybrid Warfare

China and Russia increasingly achieve geopolitical gains, catching the West off-guard, with mix of hybrid tactics
Richard Weitz
January 12, 2016