Recent YaleGlobal Articles

Richard Weitz
January 12, 2016
Overall, global military spending decreased in 2014 from the previous year, reports the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. The United States spends more than other countries on defense, yet struggles against the skillful use of hybrid tactics by China and Russia, explains Richard...
Shim Jae Hoon
January 7, 2016
China continues to gamble on regional security by placating the Kim dynasty in North Korea. The world’s most populous nation, the second largest economy, is the North’s leading benefactor and trade partner. The country of 25 million is isolated, impoverished and backward, its leaders intent on...
Chris Miller
January 5, 2016
Central banks around the globe responded to the 2007-2008 global debt crisis by reducing interest rates and loosening monetary policy to encourage consumer spending, investment, employment and price stability. After seven years the US Federal Reserve lifted interest rates in December and signaled...
Joseph Chamie
December 22, 2015
Most governments must juggle budgets and confront the fact that the world has fewer people of working age to support the swelling ranks of the elderly. Joseph Chamie, a demographer, analyzes the Potential Support Ratio, or PSR, and suggests the statistic could reveal more about the overall health...
Zeena Johar and Xue Ying Hwang
December 17, 2015
Adequate health care, providing security for a nation’s workforce, is among the key attributes of economic development. “India and China have adopted insurance as a tool to provide health-care access and mitigate catastrophic expenditures,” explain Zeena Johar and Xue Ying Hwang, adding that each...
Scott Barrett
December 15, 2015
The world has reached consensus: Climate change is a serious threat, and each nation can play a role in reducing fossil fuel emissions. The Paris Agreement relies on a voluntary approach for developing policies for transitioning away from fossil fuels. “The biggest challenge with voluntary...
David Dapice
December 10, 2015
The scientific evidence is overwhelming that climate change threatens the global economy for future generations. Strategies to combat climate change are well known: increased reliance on renewable energies, decreased subsidies for fossil fuels, imposing a carbon tax, incentives for fuel efficiency...
David C. Rapoport
December 8, 2015
The Islamic State’s brutality has shifted targets – from expanding territorial control for a so-called caliphate in the Middle East to inspiring random attacks on soft targets in the West. The terrorist group emerged during Syria’s civil war, initially targeting Shia and other Muslims who resisted...
Chris Miller
December 3, 2015
The international coalition targeting the Islamic State’s tenuous hold of communities in Syria and Iraq has divided interests that could prolong the war in Syria. “The war is driven by multiple, interlocking layers of conflict,” explains Chris Miller, associate director of the Grand Strategy...
Isabel Hilton
December 1, 2015
The climate talks in Paris known as COP21 are underway, and world leaders confront overwhelming scientific evidence that catastrophe is inevitable if countries continue to rely on fossil fuels. Global awareness runs high about the increasing economic and security threats of volatile weather...
James Cuno
November 26, 2015
The self-proclaimed Islamic State is ruthless in imposing its version of Islam on others. The rigid beliefs cannot withstand the joys of the modern world or a cultural heritage and ancient history that is a connecting force for Judaism, Christianity and Islam. ISIS contends the world is borderless...
Ashkhen Kazaryan
November 24, 2015
Russians want to be responsible members of the global community and seek reintegration, yet they also fervently support their government's aggressive foreign policy. “As the leaders in the West contemplate joining Russia in a strategy to defeat the Islamic State, the world needs to understand...
Mohammed Ayoob
November 19, 2015
Air strikes pounding strips of territory in Iraq and Syria controlled by the Islamic State won’t destroy the ideology and can inflict civilian casualties. Analysts concur that ground troops are needed to deliver precise attacks. Public opinion in the United States and the European Union won’t...
Dilip Hiro
November 17, 2015
Huge crowds attending receptions for India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New York’s Madison Square Garden, Dubai’s Sport City and most recently London’s Wembley Stadium displayed spontaneous enthusiasm and patriotic pride with images broadcast to India. In reality, months of meticulous planning...
Bertil Lintner
November 12, 2015
The National League for Democracy, an opposition party in Myanmar led by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, has won a landslide victory. The military has pledged to work with Suu Kyi, but has a lock on 25 percent of seats in parliament, enough to prevent changes to the nation’s...
Stephen S. Roach
November 10, 2015
Early reports on China’s Five-Year Plan outlining the government’s strategic priorities for 2016 to 2020 indicate preparations for slowed yet more sustainable economic growth. The plan involves ongoing transition toward an economy that promotes service industries, private consumption, innovation...
Humphrey Hawksley
November 5, 2015
The US defense budget for 2014 is more than double that of Russia and China’s combined. Measuring naval strength is trickier as comparisons of hulls or personnel matter less than surveillance and sophisticated weaponry and vessels like ice-cutters. As climate change melts sea ice, countries eye...
Chris Miller
November 3, 2015
Turkey’s Justice and Development Party, also known as AKP, won 317 seats in the General National Assembly with Sunday's election– more than expected and more than the 276 needed for a majority, but not enough to change the constitution directly. The results confounded pollsters since AKP...
Sunita Narain and Chandra Bhushan
October 29, 2015
The world celebrates emerging US recognition that climate change is a treacherous phenomenon caused by human reliance on coal and other fossil fuels. The United States has prepared an emissions reduction framework to present to the UN climate treaty secretariat at December’s conference in Paris....
Olena Lennon
October 27, 2015
Ukraine is in political and economic turmoil after Russia’s takeover of Crimea and support of separatists in the eastern part of the nation. The government cannot afford inefficiencies, and a new law allows the government led by President Petro Poroshenko to hire foreigners for top ministerial...
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