Hard Work, Furtive Living: Illegal Immigrants in Japan

Japan needs, but does not welcome, migrant help
Sharon Noguchi
March 2, 2006

The Opportunity of the Cartoon Crisis

Despite the dangers it presents, the outrage shows what needs to be done
Kishore Mahbubani
February 9, 2006

Cartoon Jihad

Besides showing the cultural gulf with the West, the affair shows the clout of globalized Islam
Sadanand Dhume
February 7, 2006

Russian Civil Society Will Find It Harder to Breathe

President Putin cracks down on NGOs despite foreign criticism
Liliana N. Proskuryakova
December 8, 2005

Should the US Sell Nuclear Technology to India? – Part I

Unless modified, the current US policy would sacrifice its global non-proliferation goal for immediate strategic interests
Robert Einhorn
November 8, 2005