Exit From Iraq Should Be Through Iran

Linking forces with Iran could minimize the costs of withdrawal from Iraq
William E. Odom
May 29, 2007

Pakistan: Nuclear Power with Feet of Clay?

Pakistan’s focus on military muscle weakens social cohesion and makes the state increasingly ungovernable
Husain Haqqani
May 22, 2007

China Maneuvers to Bring a Soft-landing to the Korean Crisis

The delicate and dangerous situation on the Korean Peninsula presents China with difficult choices
Yu Bin
February 11, 2003

Marching Towards a High-Risk War in Iraq

The odds of catastrophe may not be very high, but still are too high
Richard K. Betts
February 22, 2003

The World’s Growing Nuclear Club

India can offer some lessons on non-proliferation in a new nuclear age
Humphrey Hawksley
April 16, 2007

A Quietly Growing Nuclear Danger in North Korea

Only a jumpstart to negotiations between the US and North Korea can halt deterioration
Nayan Chanda
January 28, 2003

Pakistan Expanding Its Nuclear Capability

Pakistan is building more nukes for no apparent reason
Robert Windrem
May 13, 2009

A Need to Master the Tyranny of the Urgent

The Obama administration must try to resolve the global economic crisis without neglecting other priorities
Strobe Talbott
November 7, 2008

Weapons That Disable Circuitry May Get First Use in Iraq

The U.S. has developed directed-energy weapons for use on Iraqi electronics, but terrorists and others may have them, too.
Seth Schiesel
February 20, 2003

Libya to Give Up Arms Programs, Bush Announces

Negotiations began at start of Iraq War
David E. Sanger
December 20, 2003

N. Korea Displays 'Nuclear Deterrent'

Freeze Possible, U.S. Team Is Told
Glenn Kessler
January 11, 2004