North Korea Tests China and the World

North Korea, defying UN ban, vows to conduct new nuclear test
Shim Jae Hoon
January 28, 2013

Europe in North Africa – Recolonize or Rescue?

Militancy in North Africa invites swift French intervention – and tests EU commitment
Jonathan Fenby
January 23, 2013

The Al Qaeda Menace in Africa

Force may rout Mali militants, but can’t ensure good governance that extremists thrive on
Bruce Riedel
January 21, 2013

Conservative Causes Go Global

In promoting global causes, conservative and liberal NGOs can find strange bedfellows
Clifford Bob
January 16, 2013

Put Doomsday on the Schedule

Alternately imposing, ignoring debt ceilings and automatic cuts, Congress adds to global uncertainty
David Dapice
January 7, 2013

Nationalism Rises in Northeast Asia

Territorial fights menace prosperity in Japan, China, South Korea and global interdependence
Jean-Pierre Lehmann
January 4, 2013