Recipe for a Post-Hegemonic USA

Self-defeating antics of US Congress reflect declining status and global influence
Kenneth Weisbrode
January 2, 2013

Tunisian Revolution Is Work in Progress

Fight for Tunisia’s future is through politics, constitution – and economic growth
Lindsay J. Benstead, Ellen Lust, Dhafer Malouche
December 19, 2012

Turkey Can’t Afford Over-Involvement in Syria

Turkey’s Western-backed interventions in Syria could affect its security
Mohammed Ayoob
December 17, 2012

All-Night Negotiations in Doha Produce No Cliffhanger

Deadline unclear on climate change, more perilous than economic crises
Scott Barrett
December 10, 2012

Obama Visits China-Tilting Cambodia

Authoritarian Hun Sen plays the US off China, but the US takes long-term view
Sebastian Strangio
December 7, 2012

Governance Falls Behind Globalization

Full benefits of globalization can’t be realized if leaders neglect global governance
Ernesto Zedillo
December 3, 2012