China Targets Greenland for Mining

Countries with mineral wealth can’t expect job bonanza
Will Hickey
April 18, 2013

Brazil and the US – Not on Same Page

Consensus-seeking Brazil balks at serving as US junior partner
Alistair Burnett
April 12, 2013

Should South Korea Pursue Nuclear Arms?

The US could return nuclear weapons to South Korea to contain Pyongyang’s threat
Bennett Ramberg
March 29, 2013

Peace Deal for Turkey

Turkey-Kurd rapprochement can be a model for Middle East with restive minorities
Mohammed Ayoob
March 25, 2013

“China Dream” – Unshaken Party Rule

Xi Jinping promotes dream reform of economy, but politics is out of bound
Börje Ljunggren
March 20, 2013

BRICS Not That Sturdy

China dominates BRICS with an economy larger than that of four other members combined
Harsh V. Pant
March 22, 2013