India’s Iran Challenge

India walks delicate tightrope on Iran, Sunni-Shia relations and domestic politics
Harsh V. Pant
February 17, 2012

In US, Every Four Years, Much Ado Over China

US presidential candidates rail about China’s unfair trade practices – then backtrack once in power
Edward Gresser
February 15, 2012

Where Will the Muslim Brotherhood Take Egypt’s Economy?

Egypt’s Islamists scramble to develop economic policy staying within the dictates of religion
Mohamed El Dahshan
February 6, 2012

Tax Reform May Not Bring US Jobs Back

Rising productivity, not taxes, is behind drop in US manufacturing jobs
David Dapice
February 3, 2012

Hunger Pains Test North Korea’s Dynastic Succession

Stability in North Korea depends on averting famine and ending nuclear-weapons program
Shim Jae Hoon
February 1, 2012

China Courts the Middle East

Thirsty for oil, China spurns the West’s call for sanctions on Iran
Dilip Hiro
January 30, 2012

The Economic Peril of Aggrieved Nationalism

Martin Wolf
January 25, 2017

Worldwide, People Rally in Support of Women’s March on Washington

More than 650 sister marches around the globe joined the protest
Karla Adam
January 23, 2017

Italy Sinks Into Political Limbo as Defeat Sweeps Renzi Away

But Austria election shows support for the EU
John Follain and Chiara Albanese
December 5, 2016

Divisions Within Afghanistan’s Government Reach New Crisis Point

The government confronts instability and US leadership transition
Pamela Constable
December 1, 2016