With Hunger Growing, North Korea Returns to Nuclear Talks

North Korea's move on nuclear talks boosts sole guarantor of the Kim dynasty – China
Shim Jae Hoon
March 7, 2012

Applying the Responsibility to Protect to Syria

Russia, China reject intervening on Syrian slaughter; the world must explore modest R2P steps
Bennett Ramberg
March 5, 2012

Globalization From the Heart of Eurasia

Could quest by Kazakhstan’s president for regional and global integration improve policies at home?
Richard Weitz
February 29, 2012

Elites Loot Africa While Foreign Debt Mounts

International banking laws help African elites borrow big, then shift funds to personal accounts
James K. Boyce, Léonce Ndikumana
February 27, 2012

India and the US Pivot to Asia

US strategy focuses on Asia, notably India, yet neither nation can ignore domestic challenges
Robert M. Hathaway
February 24, 2012

India’s Dilemma: Faster Growth or Poverty Alleviation?

Worries about the next election lure politicians into short-term fixes that don’t end poverty
T.N. Ninan
February 22, 2012