US-Pakistani Relations in Crisis – Part II

Despite growing strategic differences with Pakistan, the US should not reduce civilian aid
Robert M. Hathaway
January 5, 2012

US-Pakistani Relations in Crisis – Part I

Moscow ponders NATO’s dilemma in Afghanistan with mixture of angst and schadenfreude
Richard Weitz
January 3, 2012

India Not Shining Any More

India’s reversal on FDI in retail trade exposes weak governance that paralyzes global success
Ashok Malik
December 20, 2011

A Global Consensus to Rise and Occupy

Protesters around the globe connect, lashing out at inequality, cronyism and dysfunctional governments
Laurence Brahm
December 15, 2011

Iran Frustrated Attempting to Take Charge of Arab Rising

Iran’s ayatollahs, defiant to global powers, expect Sunni Islamists to fall in line
Jamsheed K. Choksy
December 13, 2011

Burma in the US-China Great Game – Part II

High-profile US diplomacy upstages China, but a peaceful Burma is in the region’s interest
Aung Zaw
December 7, 2011

Death of Thai King Throws Country Into Turmoil

The ruling military junta works on buffing the royal family’s image
October 13, 2016

Donald Trump and the Declining Prestige of US Democracy

US presidential election, on display for the globe, shakes confidence in democracy's power
Gideon Rachman
October 11, 2016

A Strange American Election

Russia and China root for the disengaged candidate who rejects integration
Nayan Chanda
October 10, 2016

US to OPEC: Don’t Drill, Baby, Don’t Drill

Support for higher oil prices is going global
Keith Johnson
October 6, 2016

Study: Decline of Traditional Media Feeds Polarization

Declining newspaper budgets contribute to fewer informed voters
Ricardo Gandour
October 3, 2016