Iran's Secret Quest for the Bomb

No easy solution to meet the challenge.
Leonard S. Spector
May 16, 2003

Disowned by Mentor, Bin Laden Seeks New Pastures

As bin Laden seeks recruits from the marginalized in the West, a Saudi cleric blames him for Muslim suffering
Fawaz A. Gerges
September 19, 2007

North Korea's Missile Trade Helps Fund Its Nuclear Program

Washington ponders how to choke off its exports
Bertil Lintner
May 5, 2003

Yale Discusses the Implications of the Iraq War

The war may not have been an intelligent tactical move
April 4, 2003

Wars That Defy Categorization

The war in Iraq, 9/11 attacks and the Iranian Revolution pose challenges for Western imagination
Dilip Hiro
September 6, 2007

Muslims and the Tale of Two Continents

Although the US was a target of extremists, Europe’s less integrated Muslims provide more recruits to the terrorist cause
Shada Islam
September 14, 2007

The Rise of ISIS and the Fall of Al Qaeda

ISIS shows military prowess, but may struggle with governance
Barak Mendelsohn
June 19, 2014

China Says It Will Help Iraq

As extremists sweep through Iraq, the US sends forces
Rita Brown
June 18, 2014

ISIS: The Greatest Terror Threat Since Osama bin Laden

Extremists overcome Iraqi army and retrieve their US weapons
Jamsheed Choksy and Carol E.B. Choksy
June 17, 2014

Severity of Crisis in Maghreb/Sahel Regions Intensifies: MEA-Risk

Security risks are contagious in North Africa
Arezki Daoud
June 12, 2014

Boko Haram Beyond Nigeria: Girls' Education Under Threat

Globe should be wary about any attacks on education
Bina Shah
June 11, 2014