Burma Ready to Play Ball With US

US puts new focus on Burma amid US-Chinese rivalry in Asia and the Pacific
Bertil Lintner
January 20, 2012

Global Implications of China’s Challenges – Part II

The Wukan event reveals the mounting challenges to China’s authoritarian resilience
Borje Ljunggren
January 18, 2012

Global Implications of China’s Challenges – Part I

Many of China’s challenges center on rising expectations in the face of increasing competition
Thomas Fingar
January 16, 2012

Burma in the US-China Great Game – Part II

High-profile US diplomacy upstages China, but a peaceful Burma is in the region’s interest
Aung Zaw
December 7, 2011

Can Asia Step Up to 21st Century Leadership?

National power ambitions and regional competition may constrain Asia’s global leadership
Amitav Acharya
December 1, 2011

Foreign Workers Welcome, But No Permanent Residents, Please

Asian nations relying on migrant workers must develop fair policies that respect human rights
Philip Bowring
November 11, 2011