India’s Treacherous Northeast

India battles separatist movements, ethnic conflict and foreigners jockeying for influence
Bertil Lintner
September 26, 2012

One Country, Many Voices

China’s orchestrated spectacles, from Olympics to anti-Japan protests, give illusion of unified worldview
Jeffrey Wasserstrom
September 24, 2012

Singh Doubles Down on Reform

A slowing economy gave India’s government the cover to push FDI in the retail industry
Ashok Malik
September 21, 2012

Middle East Protests: A Salafist Trap

Extremists seek excuses to destabilize governments, upend success of moderate Islamists
Fawaz A. Gerges
September 19, 2012

A Forgotten War in the Himalayas

The US aided India in its 1962 war with China, taking firm stance on disputed border
Jeff M. Smith
September 14, 2012

US Voters Mull the Economy

Next American president’s moves on taxes, debt or trade will sway the global economy
Bruce Stokes
September 6, 2012