The links between security and globalization were highlighted by the 2001 terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, DC, and the subsequent long wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Lingering poverty, inequality, religious extremism and war can sow discontent and resentment as unprecedented global mobility lends access to education and travel in other countries. Despite use of drones, cyber-warfare and other advanced weapons technology to mount counterterrorist attacks, the marginalized can strike out at vulnerable urban or economic centers. Annual global defense spending exceeds $1.6 trillion. Containing the trade in weapons, whether nuclear bombs or assault rifles, and preventing them from falling into the wrong hands remain a challenge.

A Taliban Comeback?

Re-emergence of the ousted group threatens US-Pakistan alliance and triggers a new Great Game
Ahmed Rashid
May 23, 2006

A Setback for Democracy

The US-led invasion in Iraq interrupted the Middle East’s gradual movement toward liberalization
Dilip Hiro
May 4, 2006

Al Qaeda Talking Heads

Propaganda blitz by bin Laden, al-Zawahiri and al-Zarqawi may be aimed at hiding their weakness
Fawaz A. Gerges
May 11, 2006

A New Challenge for Bangladesh

Unchecked Islamic extremism, combined with poverty, could undo democracy and create a new trouble spot
Sumit Ganguly
March 30, 2006

Iran’s Nukes in a Power Game

China, Russia, and Arab nations view the Iranian nuclear program as a way to constrain the West
Ehsan Ahrari
April 6, 2006

Anxious America – Part I

Shaken by the extent of foreign role in the US, politicians raise questions that go to the heart of globalization
S.L. Bachman
March 9, 2006

Analysis: How the Colombian Peace Deal Fell Apart

Colombia's president wins the Nobel Peace Prize
Alan Gomez
October 3, 2016

US to Russia: Stop Aleppo Assault or Syria Talks End

Russia and Syria are accused of committing war crimes
September 30, 2016

Congress Overrides Obama on Bill Allowing 9/11 Lawsuits Against Saudi Arabia

US officials anticipate unintended consequences
Joe Gould
September 30, 2016

Submarine Sanctuary: Why China Is Determined to Establish Dominance Over South China Sea

Surveillance of the shallow waters is easy
Nayan Chanda
September 29, 2016

US Presidential Debate Stirs Worries in Asia

Trump vows to renegotiate trade agreements and security payments while Clinton offers stability
September 27, 2016